Monday, November 26, 2012

Nahian's Post on Monday

So far this week, we have learned about contamination in foods, we learned about hazards about
handling a knife, we learned how to properly use a knife, how to slice and how to dice, like a
fruit ninja =3. We also teared up over cutting some onions and learned a few techniques on how
to cut more efficiently. This following week I would like to meet a food critic and learn about
how he judges his foods and what he prefers to see in a specific food.

1 comment:

  1. Nahian, I am sorry we did not get to meet a food critic this week! Maybe you can do a little research about what a food critic's job entails and read a few food critic columns online. The, perhaps for your final project, you could give us a blog post reporting about a food critic career! Let me know what you think...


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